World Building Advice for Crafting a Magical System for Your Fantasy World
Fantasy Writing, World Building Fueled by Fiction Fantasy Writing, World Building Fueled by Fiction

World Building Advice for Crafting a Magical System for Your Fantasy World

Crafting a unique and captivating magical world is essential for drawing readers into your story. In this post, I will explore key elements to consider when developing a magic system that will leave your audience spellbound. From defining the limits of magic to creating realistic history for your magic, as well as unique magical creatures, this post will help you unlock the secrets for crafting a truly enchanting fantasy world. So let's see what you should consider when planning out your magic system:

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The Art of Authority: Techniques for Establishing Legitimate Rule in Fantasy Narratives
World Building, Politics Fueled by Fiction World Building, Politics Fueled by Fiction

The Art of Authority: Techniques for Establishing Legitimate Rule in Fantasy Narratives

During your world building process you probably thought about including some kind of ruler into your fantasy societies. But what possibilities do you have to justify their reign? How are they portraying themselves? Why do they believe they are the rightful rulers? And what consequences can this have? This blog post explores these questions and helps you to get an idea for your own story.

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