6 Writing Resources and Tools Every Writer Should Know about!

During my ten years of writing, I tried out a lot of resources that were designed to help creative writers with their work. While some were okay, I also found some with which I immediately fell in love with, because how is it that good? Here are six of my favorite resources that I think every writer should know about!

Also, before we start, did you know that I have a Patreon account now? Go check it out for even more content!

  1. Campfire

Let's start with a website that I feel in love with immediately! As someone who needs to have a visually pleasing work space, or else I am just not continuing to work on the project, this one helped me a lot!

Campfire is a website that helps you to stay organized with your creative writing project. You can create new projects, add detailed character notes, locations, worlds, history, pictures, etc. to your project and always keep all if it organized and everything easy to find.

You can create different folders with everything you need for your planning process!

And if you are creating characters, but you’re unsure on what information you should add to your characters, they also give you some categories that you can think about. 

Do you want to know how long you worked on a specific project? No problem, there are stats for each of your project!

You can choose from different themes, so that your project looks exactly as you want! You can also create your own themes and use them.

You can use Campfire for free, but you might have to add paid sub subscriptions if you want to add more features, such as unlimited character notes, for example.

One of my favorite websites for sure!

I also just found out that you can even self-publish your book on Campfire and earn money with it! So check it out if that is something you're interested in!

2. Obsidian

Obsidian has been the second software I used to keep my work organized and clear to understand. If you want to find out how I use Obsidian for my creative writing projects, check out my blog post about it. 

Obsidian is a great free resource, because you have so much potential with it; you can do everything your heart desires: create notes you can link to each other to create graphs, add pictures, create character cards, create timelines, or even write your whole manuscript in Obsidian. 

You can create canvases to plan your plot, character relationships, or timelines. Add as many pictures as you want and write down everything you need in cards, or link an already existing note to it.

With the graph view you can see all your existing notes and how they are linked to each other.

Add a new vault for your creative writing project and start creating!

3. Grammarly

If you're struggling with editing your creative writing work, use some editing services, such as Grammarly. With Grammarly, you can check your writing for grammatical errors, and it even gives you suggestions on how to rewrite a sentence if you state what the tone of your text should be, although I would be a little careful with this because I have the feeling it can easily kill the unique vibe and melody that you create with your text. But it's great to check for grammatical issues!

You can use it for free, but if you want more features, you can pay for a subscription.

4. ProWritingAid

ProWritingAid is another editing tool you can use for your creative writing projects. You can check for grammatical issues, but it also provides you with more in-depth reports about your writing (such as readability, etc.). There are also in-app suggestions and explanations that help you understand why you should avoid something specific, such as weak adjectives, for example. 

It's a really nice resource that I can definitely recommend! It's free to use, but once again, you can add a subscription if you need more. 

The subscriptions are also something that I think differs from other editing resources (at least the ones that I have encountered in the past), because you can pick from either monthly and yearly subscriptions or you can buy a lifetime license. So if you know that you will need this tool a lot in the future, the lifetime license might be something you should check out!

5. Dabble

Dabble is a writing software that was created for writers by a writer - so I think it's safe to say that the developer knows their audience. 

With this writing software, you can set deadlines and goals (such as word goals), view your story notes while writing on a scene, and drag and drop scenes and character cards during your planning process. And of course, you can write your whole manuscript in it.

You can get a 14-day free trial to try it out, and after that, you can decide between three different subscriptions (Basic, Standard, and Premium) that you can either pay monthly or yearly (which will give you a slight discount compared to the monthly subscription). Or you can get a lifetime license. 

And the best thing: if you are a student or a teacher, you can get a 30% discount! 

6. Skillshare

You have probably heard about Skillshare already. I have recently tried it out, and it's also a great resource for writers! There are a lot of classes about creative writing, world-building, characters, etc. on this website, so if you are interested in taking classes about these topics, definitely check it out! 

You can use a 7-day free trial, and after that, the subscription fees aren't that high either. 

And that’s it for today! I hope you found a new resource today that will make your writing journey a little bit easier! If you want to see all of my recommendations regarding this topic, check out my Benable list with helpful resources for writers! Also follow me on Pinterest for more writing advice, and go to my Patreon for even more content about creative writing.

Fueled by Fiction

I am a writer who loves sharing writing advice I have learned about during the years of my writing journey. I am here to share my own ideas, advice, and prompts with you and build up a community that can support each other! 🤍


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How I use Obsidian for my Creative Writing Process - The Basics